Monday, April 20, 2009


Oh my, my ONLY niece is 1 y.o today...yay! Diana. Happy Birthday and many more to come. My Sis did a great job at keeping tab on the coz I'm certainly not. I'm a proud Aunt posting this collage that my sis made. Go sis!!... =)

The family =) My BIL Hadi, my sis and my lil' niece, Diana =)

Yeah, I am ONE!!!!... lol..Love this pose of hers.... maybe she was dancing? But hey, the one finger up is totally cute!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Tyler's 6th Birthday Part II

Ok, what's the deuce?!?!? When one bought something that needed assembly, wouldn't one expecting a manual? grrrrr....How in the world would I know that I can still go the manufacturer's website (is that what you call it?...pffffttt...I don't know and I don't think I'd care I was super mad and super panicked.. Poor DS really wanted me to get going and put the car together but I couldn't coz I didn't hv the darn manual!..arrrgghhh!!!... Ok, that's just letting off steam there..Ignore moi.

Anyways, DH and I bought our DS this:


This is how it looks like before I found the manual online and assemble it (kinda scary ain't I wasn't able to put it together):

I hv to post them off guard or at least I think I did:
AFTER I got the manual online. I actually had my laptop on beside me while I assemble the car, ON the ground and the box as my *carpet* to read/follow the manual. I'm not printing the whole 28 pages!! manual for a one time assembly<-- that was my reasoning for having the laptop next to me. :p

This is my happiest DS cruising on his Mustang. He's a proud owner/driver indeed but little did he know, this'll be his LAST car till he gets his own real car!(when he reaches 16 or something).

Well, my poor DD had no choice but ride the old truck and rode ALONE since 3rd DS was riding with 1st her. Now she wants her PINK Mustang...oh gawd *rolling eyes*... Her b'day is next month, May 31st.

This is HER wish for her upcoming 5th birthday (May 31st). DH, I wish us both luck getting her this car....


In summary, I managed to finish the assembly in about an hour+. Not bad at! Praising meself!..I'm tired! *sighs*.........

Tyler's 6th Birthday

awww...time passes/flew by too fast. Our eldest is now 6!!! =(

Friday, April 10, 2009

Feeling sick, Happy Good Friday and Easter =)

wow wow's totally been awhile this time round. DH left and I got into a routine. Rarely got the chance to get unto the pc to post. Even if I do/did, it'll be like super fast on and off...if that makes any sense.
I decided to relist some stuff on Etsy again. Start to pick up bowmaking again. I've been preety laid back. Totally!.

I'm also down with something. Blocked sinus (not infection, thank gawd) and now coughing. Oh man,..i feel miserable. Body aches and feverish feeling. Doctor? Hummpph...didn't get the chance to go before Good Friday. Didn't realize our Dr is CLOSED for Good Friday given their office hrs is 8-12 on Friday. Bummer. I'm feeling a tad better as long as I take my Motrin and Tylenol, alt. Mummy is aliveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....yay! Let's hope I get even more better throughout the weekend as the kiddos has a 4 days weekends this week. Yay!!!

well...will blog more/soon again. Kiddos are having fun playing outside as I wrote this entry.

Happy Easter, y'all.. and Good Friday.