Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Update for Just Maddy's Corner

I know the list is soooooooooo tiny... but, you can see that there's only 5 pairs to go...yay!...Progress here Maddy!! Tell the girls, their pretties ARE coming soon in the mail!!!...woot woot!

p/s: All the ones in red are completed. I know Emerald and Turftan wasn't crossed but it's 5 pairs to go....

1 comment:

Maddy Nupp McDonald said...

Oh thank you soooooo much!!! I'm very happy to see them :o) HOpefully a new niche of small bows opens up for you for business. I can see a lot of uses for these darlings. :o) I'm sorry I haven't responded sooner. My honey has been home, and you know how that makes the world more interesting! :D

Don't forget to email me with how much they are swwweeeeetttie!!!
xoxo Maddy